
The Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Associations of India

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  • Discount Card




Scheme is reciprocal, and applicable only to the functioning hotels and restaurants which are individual members of the Federation.

Hotels will allow a discount of 30% to a visiting hotelier or restauranteur on the production of a membership card.To avail the discount on hotel accommodation, card holders should make an advance reservation informing the member hotel of their holding of F.H.R.A.I. Membership Card. The discount is applicable on accommodation, food & soft beveragesand 15% on liquor.





Standalone Restaurants and restaurants located in the hotels, will allow a discount of 30% on food and soft beverages and 15% on liquor ordered by a membership card holder. To avail the discount, the card should be presented before placing the order.No discount will, however, be allowed on take away sales of food to card holders. However, it will also be allowed even if hotels and restaurants are offering lunch/dinner/breakfast etc. at discounted package rates.

For members of F.H.R.A.I. Executive Committee, Past Presidents & some others, there are special Courtesy Cards. In this case, hotels and restaurants will allow at least 50% discount on hotel accommodation, food and soft beverages and 15% discount on liquor and extend all courtesies to such card holders.





The card is non-transferable and can be used only by the person whose photograph appears on the card and signature on the reverse of the card. No change in nomination is permissible during the course of a year, unless the nominee has severed his connection with the establishment, and the card is returned.

A card holder can get discount for a maximum of 10 days in the year at any particular hotel and maximum of 10 visits in the year at any particular restaurant.





The card is valid in any of the F.H.R.A.I. member establishments whether local or outstation.

In case of hotel room, the person holding the membership card, his wife and minor children are eligible for the discount. In the case of restaurants, including restaurants located in hotels, the discount is allowed not only to the card holder but also to his wife and dependent family members upto a maximum of 6 persons (excluding the card holder).The discount is also applicable on room service.





30% discount will be applicable on all modes of payment.

No discount will be allowed on hotel bookings through travel agent.





Members attending Conventions wherein a discount of more than 30% (50% in the case of Executive Committee Members& Past Presidents and Secretary General) is allowed on the room rate are not entitled to any further discount.

The card holder is also entitled to 30% discount on room and F&B (excluding liquor) in hotel and restaurant members of Hotel Association of Nepal (HAN) and Hotel & Restaurant Association of Bhutan (HRAB).



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