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Invitation to Hospitality Organizations for Management & Operations of Retiring Rooms at Various Stations on Indian Railway Network PAN India

04 th Apr 2022

The Managing Directors/CEO's/Owners/Director/Partners/General Managers       
All FHRAI Members    

CC:  All Members of the Executive Committee 
         All Regional Associations

Sub: Invitation to Hospitality Organizations for Management & Operations of Retiring Rooms at Various Stations on Indian Railway Network PAN India.

Dear Member,

As you are aware, Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd. (IRCTC) is a "Mini Ratna (Category- 1)" Central Public Sector Enterprise under Ministry of Railways, Government of India. IRCTC is currently managing retiring rooms at 25 railway stations and about 100 stations more are being taken over by IRCTC in phases for this purpose.

Accordingly, IRCTC is seeking to appoint Service Partners for managing retiring rooms at 46 stations in the 1st phase for a period of 9 (Nine) years and an online tender has been floated for this.

IRCTC intends to engage Hotel Operators, Operators of Guest House / Paying Guest House/Restaurant or Lounges at Airport to operate retiring rooms at various stations across Indian Railway network and therefore invites members of FHRAI to participate in the bid process.

A copy of the letter received from IRCTC is enclosed for your information.

The online tender is available on www.tenderwizard.com/IRCTC (Copy of the same is also enclosed)

The details of venue, date & time for Pre-bid of e-tender are given below:-

·         Date :-            13th April, 2022
·         Time:-             11:00 hrs.
·         Venue:-          IRCTC Corporate Office, 11th Floor, Statesman House Building, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi – 110 001

For any queries /clarification regarding this tender, please contact Mr. Dilip Goyal, Jt. General Manager/Catg. Services, Corporate Office on 9717640670 or retiringroom@irctc.com.

With best regards,

Jaison Chacko
Secretary General
The Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Associations of India
Regd. Off.: B-82, 8th Floor, Himalaya House, 23 K.G. Marg, New Delhi - 110 001
Tel.: 011-40780780, Email: fhrai@fhrai.com  Website: www.fhrai.com